又有了新的需求,需要对接uepay。在 WooCommerce对接第三方支付插件开发 基础上修改,第三方接口大同小异,无非是更改需要提交的参数和加密方式。本次需要将返回的支付链接转换成二维码。直接调用google接口实现。
public function generate_form($order_id)
global $woocommerce, $wpdb;
$order = new WC_Order( $order_id );
define( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT', true );
foreach ($order->get_items() as $item_id => $item ) {
$name = $item -> get_name();
$quantity = $item -> get_quantity();
$mref = "REF".date("YmdHis", time()+8*60*60).substr(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)), 0, 9);
$amountcents = round($order->get_total() * 100);
$order_id = wc_get_order_id_by_order_key($_GET['key']);
$order = wc_get_order( $order_id );
$amountcents = round($order->get_total() * 100);
$MerchantNo = $this->uepay_merchantno;
$customer_mail = $order->get_billing_email();
$shipping_formatted_name = $order->get_formatted_billing_full_name();
$shipping_formatted_address = $order->get_formatted_billing_address();
//$currency_code = get_woocommerce_currency();
$currency_code = 'MOP';
$base_url = esc_url( home_url( '/' ));
$return_url = WC()->api_request_url( 'wc_uepay_return' ) ;
$check = strpos($return_url, '?');
if ( $check !== false) {
$return_url = $return_url . "&mref=" . $mref;
} else {
$return_url = $return_url . "?mref=" . $mref;
// 构造提交参数
$arguments = array(
"orderNo" => $mref,
"body" => "聚合支付",
"detail" => "{ \"goods_detail\":[ { \"goods_name\":\"" . $name ."\", \"quantity\":" . $quantity . ",\"price\": " . $amountcents . " } ], \"consignee\":\"" . $shipping_formatted_name . "\" , \"consignee_addres\":\"" . $shipping_formatted_address . "\" }",
"amount" => $amountcents, // 分
"cny" => $currency_code,
"time" => time(),
"notifyUrl" => WC()->api_request_url( 'wc_uepay_notify' ), //异步,注意去掉 woocommerce_api_
"backUrl" => $return_url, //同步回调地址
"extendInf" => "{ \"subMerNo\":\"30011 \",\"subMerName\":\"H5商戶\", \"storeId\":\"test1\", \"storeName\":\"H5門店\", \"terminalId\":\"P00001\" }"
$Body = array(
"appSource" => "2",
"appVersion" => "1.4",
"merchantNo" => $MerchantNo,
"requestType" => "UNIFIEDORDER",
"tradeType" => "INTAPI"
$unsign_arr = array_merge($Body, $arguments);
//error_log(__METHOD__ . PHP_EOL .print_r($unsign_arr, true));
$unsign_str = "";
foreach ($unsign_arr as $k => $v){
$unsign_str = $unsign_str . $k . '=' . $v . '&';
$unsign_str = $unsign_str . 'key=' . $this->uepay_paykey;
//error_log(__METHOD__ . PHP_EOL .print_r($unsign_str, true));
$clientSign = md5($unsign_str);
$Body["arguments"] = $arguments;
$Body["clientSign"] = strtoupper($clientSign);
error_log(__METHOD__ . PHP_EOL .print_r(json_encode($Body,JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE|JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), true));
$args = array(
'headers' => array( 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'charset' => 'utf-8' ),
'timeout' => 45,
'redirection' => 5,
'httpversion' => '1.0',
'blocking' => true,
'body' => json_encode($Body),
$postRequest = wp_remote_post($this->uepay_api, $args);
if ($postRequest['response']['code'] === 200) {
$result = json_decode($postRequest['body'], true, 512, JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING);
} else {
error_log(__METHOD__ . PHP_EOL . 'Code:' . $postRequest['response']['code'] . PHP_EOL. ' Error:' . $postRequest['response']['message']);
throw new Exception("Unable to reach Viva Payments (" . $postRequest['response']['message'] . ")");
error_log(__METHOD__ . PHP_EOL .print_r($result, true));
if ($result['retCode'] === '0000') {
$OrderNo = $result['results']['orderNo'];
$PayUrl = $result['results']['payUrl'];
} else {
throw new Exception("Unable to create order code (" . $result['Msg'] . ")");
$query = "insert into {$wpdb->prefix}uepay_data (ref, ordercode, email, orderid, total_cost, currency, order_state, timestamp) values ('".$mref."', '".$OrderNo."','". $customer_mail ."','". $order_id . "',$amountcents,'".$currency_code."','I', now())";
'<span>Scan the QR code to complete the payment</span>'.
'<img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chs=150x150&cht=qr&chld=L|0&chl='.rawurlencode($PayUrl).'" alt="QR code" widhtHeight="150" widhtHeight="150"/>'.
'<a class="button alt" id="submit_uepay_payment_button" href="'.$return_url.'">'.__('Pay Completed', 'uepay-for-woocommerce').'</a>'.
'<a class="button cancel" href="'.$order->get_cancel_order_url().'">'.__('Cancel', 'uepay-for-woocommerce').'</a>'.
function check_ipn_response()
global $woocommerce, $wpdb;
if (($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') && preg_match("/wc_uepay_notify/i", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
$response = file_get_contents("php://input");
error_log(__METHOD__ . PHP_EOL .print_r($response, true));
if ( $response ) {
$res_data = json_decode($response, true, 512, JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING);
$statustr = $this->uepay_processing;
$unsign_str = '';
foreach ($res_data as $k => $v){
if ( $k == 'sign') { continue; }
$unsign_str = $unsign_str . $k . '=' . $v . '&';
$unsign_str = $unsign_str . 'key=' . $this->uepay_paykey;
$checksum = strtoupper(md5($unsign_str));
//error_log(__METHOD__ . PHP_EOL .print_r($unsign_str, true));
//error_log(__METHOD__ . PHP_EOL .print_r($checksum, true));
if ($checksum == $res_data['sign']) {
$tm_ref = $res_data['orderNo'];
$check_query = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT orderid,order_state FROM {$wpdb->prefix}uepay_data WHERE ref = '".addslashes($tm_ref)."'", ARRAY_A);
$check_query_count = count($check_query);
if( $check_query_count >= 1 ) {
if($check_query[0]['order_state'] == 'I' && $res_data['tradeState'] == 'SUCCESS') {
$query = "update {$wpdb->prefix}uepay_data set order_state='C' where ref='".addslashes($tm_ref)."'";
$inv_id = $check_query[0]['orderid'];
$order = new WC_Order($inv_id);
$order->update_status($statustr, __('Order has been paid by ID: ' . $res_data['orderNo'], 'uepay-for-woocommerce'));
wc_reduce_stock_levels( $order->get_id() );
add_post_meta( $inv_id, '_paid_date', current_time('mysql'), true );
update_post_meta( $inv_id, '_transaction_id', wc_clean($tm_ref) );
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